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Partial Hospitalization Program For Substance Use Disorder In Los Angeles

Drugs and alcohol can take a heavy toll on your life. They can disrupt your eating and sleeping patterns, stealing your health from you. They can cause you to do things you would never have expected, such as lying about your substance use or stealing to fund your dependence. As a result of these actions, you may fear that you have permanently damaged your relationships with your loved ones. In such cases, you may feel that you have gone so far, done so many things, that it is impossible to go back. Fortunately, with the help of one of our addiction treatment programs, it is possible to heal. It’s time to walk in courage and confidence as you move into sobriety. One of our most accessible treatment options is our partial hospitalization program in Los Angeles.

Through partial hospitalization addiction treatment in Los Angeles, you can begin a new life in recovery. We craft our treatment programs to address the needs of our clients, giving you the tools to manage your addiction in a healthy way. To learn how our PHP in Tarzana, Los Angeles can help you to overcome your addiction, please get in touch with Sober Stages Treatment Center today.

What Is a Partial Hospitalization Program?

Traditionally speaking, a partial hospitalization program offers structured addiction treatment that runs several hours daily throughout the week. Through this treatment option, you can participate in treatment sessions during the day and return to your home at night. This treatment can be highly beneficial for those who have supportive family members at home and responsibilities that they must maintain during the week.

Determining whether you could benefit from a partial hospitalization program doesn’t have to be challenging. The first step that you should take is to talk to our addiction treatment admissions team. They will provide a formal assessment to determine what level of treatment is right for your needs. For instance, we may recommend a partial hospitalization program if you meet these criteria:

  • You are medically stable.
  • You’re not at risk of harming others or yourself.
  • You have difficulty functioning at school, work, or home.
  • You’re motivated to engage in our treatment program.
  • You’re experiencing co-occurring substance use disorders and mental health concerns.
  • You have sufficient support in your home life.

Our evaluation doesn’t just determine what level of care you need. It also allows us to choose what therapeutic options could be part of your treatment program.

What to Expect During Our Partial Hospitalization Program

PHP level of care is our most intensive treatment track. The PHP program consists of 5 hours of clinical services five days per week. During treatment, clients participate in four daily group therapy sessions and individual therapy at least once per week. In addition, all clients meet with our medical director weekly to discuss medication management, should the use of medications help during the recovery process.

Clients are served lunch between groups and can participate in weekly recovery outings as well. PHP is the recommended level of care for all people starting their treatment. Early in recovery, it’s essential to have the most support possible in order to help build a strong foundation for recovery.


How Long Does PHP Last?

PHP typically lasts for at least 30 days. Individuals come to treatment 5x per week for most of the day but are able to have the comfort of returning home to their own home or sober living residence.

Is PHP Less Intensive Than Inpatient Rehab?

In some ways, PHP is less intense than rehab since there is less medical care that occurs in PHP. However, the level of therapy is intensive and the amount of time is enough to have deep healing.

Are You A Good Fit For PHP In Los Angeles?

If you can abstain from drug or alcohol use outside of an inpatient rehab center, but need continued support, then PHP might be the right option for you. You may enroll in the program directly after completing a detox or residential program, or you may enroll in PHP without residential care if it is determined to be medically appropriate.

PHP provides continued support on a daily basis which is intensive, but patients still live off-site. As a result, PHP may not be suitable for individuals with life-threatening medical conditions, psychiatric issues, or at risk of harming themselves or others.

Learn More at Sober Stages Addiction Treatment Center In LA

At Sober Stages Treatment Center, we are dedicated to providing the best possible care for our clients. In addition to our partial hospitalization program, we also offer options such as:

You don’t have to struggle with your addiction any longer

When you reach out to Sober Stages Treatment Center, you find a team who will help you effectively overcome addiction. Don’t wait. Call today.

Call Today: 818-649-2891

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Sober Stages Inc. Outpatient Program is a top addiction outpatient treatment center in Los Angeles, California that offers evidence-based, holistic treatment for alcohol, drug and behavioral addictions. Reach out today!


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